Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to describe the management procedures with regard to the processing of personal data of users/visitors of this website, which can be found at [email protected]

We recommend that you read this privacy policy carefully before providing your data.

This communication is provided in accordance with the European legislation set out in EU Regulation n 2016/679 (GDPR), Articles 13 and 14.


Titolare del trattamento è Aqueduct Translations, con sede in Giussano a via cima rosa 31, 20833, (di seguito indicata semplicemente come “Titolare”). La lista aggiornata dei responsabili del trattamento e delle consociate del gruppo è disponibile inoltrando richiesta a [email protected]

Scope of this policy

This Privacy Policy applies to this website and not to any other websites not belonging to the Data Controller that may be consulted by the user by browsing the links.

Policy and information

Il sito web svolge una funzione prevalentemente informativa delle attività svolte da Aqueduct Translations, pertanto, nella maggior parte dei casi, non è prevista raccolta di dati personali dal navigatore. In taluni casi, come per la sezione “contattaci”, al fine di consentire la trasmissione di richieste di informazioni o servizi, si richiede all’utente di compilare un modulo di raccolta dati. In questi casi, viene fornita l’informativa privacy che precisa l’uso dei dati e le altre indicazioni richieste dalla legge. Raccomandiamo di leggere queste informative prima di fornire i dati.

In aggiunta, in limitati casi in cui si rendesse necessario raccogliere informazioni personali per altri fini, questo verrà chiaramente evidenziato nelle informative di legge, al fine di consentire trasparenza e consapevolezza all’utente.

Tali informative sono dirette a definire limiti e modalità del trattamento dei dati di ciascun servizio, in base alle quali il visitatore potrà esprimere liberamente il proprio consenso (se necessario) ed autorizzare eventualmente la raccolta dei dati ed il loro successivo utilizzo.

Dati di navigazione

I sistemi informatici e le procedure software preposte al funzionamento di questo sito web acquisiscono, nel corso del loro normale esercizio, alcuni dati personali la cui trasmissione è implicita nell’uso dei protocolli di comunicazione di Internet.

In questa categoria di dati rientrano: gli indirizzi IP, il tipo di browser utilizzato, il sistema operativo, il nome di dominio e gli indirizzi di siti web dai quali è stato effettuato l’accesso o l’uscita, le informazioni sulle pagine visitate dagli utenti all’interno del sito, l’orario d’accesso, la permanenza sulla singola pagina, l’analisi di percorso interno ed altri parametri relativi al sistema operativo e all’ambiente informatico dell’utente.

Tali dati di carattere tecnico/informatico sono raccolti ed utilizzati esclusivamente in maniera aggregata e non immediatamente identificativa; essi potrebbero essere utilizzati per l’accertamento di responsabilità in caso di ipotetici reati informatici ai danni del sito o su richiesta della pubblica autorità.

Cookie (rinvio)

In merito all’installazione di cookie da parte di questo sito web si rinvia alla Cookie Policy.

Redirect verso siti esterni

Da questo sito web è possibile collegarsi mediante appositi link verso altri siti web di società di terzi.

Aqueduct Translations declina qualsiasi responsabilità in merito all’eventuale gestione di dati personali da parte di siti terzi e in ordine alla gestione delle credenziali di autenticazione fornite da soggetti terzi.

Modalità del trattamento e conservazione dei dati

Il trattamento dei dati personali viene effettuato prevalentemente utilizzando procedure e supporti elettronici per il tempo strettamente necessario a conseguire gli scopi per i quali i dati sono stati raccolti. L’utente, comunque, ha diritto di ottenere la cancellazione dei propri dati in presenza di motivi legittimi.

Facoltatività del conferimento dati

La fornitura dei dati personali richiesti all’interessato – se non specificato diversamente – è facoltativa, tuttavia il loro mancato conferimento può comportare l’impossibilità di ottenere quanto richiesto ovvero di eseguire l’attività indicata. Luogo del trattamento dati I trattamenti connessi ai servizi web di questo sito hanno luogo presso la società Aqueduct Translations che provvede alla gestione del relativo server. I dati personali sono curati solo da personale tecnico di tale azienda, appositamente incaricato del trattamento, oppure da eventuali incaricati di occasionali operazioni di manutenzione.

Ambito di circolazione dei dati e diffusione dei dati

Personal data acquired through this website are accessed only by individuals acting on behalf of the Data Controller, specially designated as data managers, coordinators or appointees and in charge of managing the requested service; the same data are not disseminated. More detailed information on the names of privacy roles may be requested by writing to [email protected]

Foreign data flows

Given the international nature of Aqueduct Translations' activities, data may be sent abroad and processed, again for the above purposes only, by group companies located in third countries.

In these cases, the transmission of data abroad is subject to specific guarantees for the protection of personal data through the adoption of standard contractual clauses on data protection, approved by the European Commission, or similar guarantees.

Data protection rights

The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of the same data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or rectification.

In addition, one has the right to request the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their processing.

Requests should be addressed to [email protected]

Policy changes

The possible entry into force of new industry regulations, as well as the constant review and updating of user services, may result in the need to change the way we process personal data. It is 'therefore possible that our policy undergoes changes over time and we invite, therefore, the visitor to periodically consult this page. To this end, the policy document highlights the date it was updated.

Data processing information

Disclosure pursuant to Article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation so called "GDPR")

I. Ownership and types of data

Pursuant to Article 13 of the GDPR, Aqueduct Translations with registered office in Giussano at via cima rosa 31, 20833, as the data controller (hereinafter referred to as "the Controller"), informs you that, through this form, it will proceed to the collection of personal data directly released by you. The Data Controller has designated as its data protection officer (so-called data protection officer/DPO) in accordance with Article 37 GDPR.

II. Purpose of use

Your personal data as described above and provided by you, are collected and used for the following purposes related and instrumental to the activity of Aqueduct Translations and therefore: 1. To enable the performance of the obligations under the contract, in particular, in relation to the reporting of inefficiencies and the management of complaints from customers, by filling out the form; 2. To enable the fulfillment of requests for contact and / or new services, sent by the user concerned by filling out the form. For the purposes mentioned in points II.1 and II.2 for the use of data, your consent is not required.

III. Method of use and storage

Your data are used by electronic means and stored on electronic media or even by means of paper instruments.

IV. Scope of data circulation

Within the scope traceable to the same Data Controller A. Data may be used by personnel of Aqueduct Translations or Third Party Companies who have been assigned a specific role of data controller and given appropriate operational instructions. Within the same corporate group for contractual or accounting purposes B. In addition, data may also be transmitted to other companies in the Group, to fulfill specific legal obligations or for contractual and accounting purposes, possibly even residing outside the European Union with relationships governed by specific model contract clauses, as indicated by the Privacy Guarantor.

V. Transfer of data abroad and dissemination

Given the international nature of Aqueduct Translations' activities, your data may be transmitted abroad and processed by entities, however falling within the categories mentioned in point IV. above, located in countries outside the EU for the purposes described in point II above. Transfer abroad without communication Given the international nature of Aqueduct Tranlsations' activities, your data may be transferred abroad and processed by entities, however falling within the categories mentioned in point IV above, located in countries outside the EU for the performance of instrumental activities; in this case, these entities act as data controllers and the activity is subject to specific guarantees to protect personal data through the adoption of model contractual clauses, as indicated by the Privacy Guarantor. Non-disclosure Your personal data is not subject to disclosure.

VI. Rights

In relation to the processing of your personal data, the Data Controller informs you that the storage period of the aforementioned data does not exceed the duration necessary to pursue the purposes for which the data are collected and subsequently processed, but not more than two months. In constancy of processing, Ella may exercise, at any time, the following rights:

  • To obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of the same data and, if so,
  • Know its content and origin,
  • verify its accuracy request correction of inaccurate data, supplementation of incomplete data or updating of outdated data, or
  • obtain the restriction of processing, where one of the cases provided for in Article 18 GDPR applies;
  • Request the deletion of data processed in violation of the law, that is, in the presence of one of the other conditions provided for in Article 17(1)(a), (b), (c), (e) and (f) GDPR
  • to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their processing, or to oppose their processing in the other cases provided for in Article 21, paragraphs 2 and 3 and 22 GDPR;
  • to obtain the release of the processed personal data in a format compatible with standard computer applications, in order to allow its transfer to other platforms of your choice, without impediments to the direct transmission of the processed data to another Data Controller, where such direct transmission is technically feasible [d. right to data portability];

Requests regarding the exercise of the above rights, should be addressed to the Holder:

  • by e-mail, at the address: [email protected]
  • By mail, to the address: Via Borromei 2, 20123, Milan, Italy.

In the event of failure or partial response by the Controller to the aforementioned requests, Ella shall have the right to lodge a complaint or appeal to the Data Protection Authority within the terms and in the manner provided for by the applicable European and national legislation.